Meditation for Anxiety

Anxiety is incredibly hard to define as every person’s human experience is personal, deeply nuanced and multi-layered. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all prescription when getting to the bottom of what’s going on for us. And there tends to be combination of internal and external contributing factors.

Meditation for Anxiety

A 6-week online program


This course is 1-on-1 with Claire & over the 6-weeks you will:

  • Learn Awareness-Insight Meditation

  • Develop a deeper understanding of yourself & your triggers

  • Learn breathwork techniques to call upon in times of duress

  • Develop daily self-care rituals to strengthen self-acceptance & awareness

Course fee: $1200 + GST

I didn’t have any idea that I was a chronically anxious person up until I had been practicing yoga and meditation for several years. I thought the burning, dense, hot sensation in my chest (and would often radiate up my throat and down my arms) was just “who I was”. It was such a familiar feeling, I’d gotten used to it being there. I had no idea it was the driver behind my chronic misuse of alcohol, perfectionism and procrastination.

With the support of my teachers, and a consistent meditation practice I’ve had some incredibly profound breakthroughs with anxiety, which have made my life a very different experience from what it used to be. I also have a much deeper and compassionate relationship with myself.

~ Claire